
352 files in total in this section.
3to4Crypt Version 2.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
A Windows executable with an improved interface for better feedback to the user on the home screen. Progress is now shown when Expanding or Contracting a large file so the user knows how much time remains. New ability to display any binary file or data with Control Characters turned OFF (so they don't disrupt the display) with A HIDDEN choice from the Main Menu: [Ctrl][V]. Choose [V] from the Main Menu to display any file or data with the Control Characters turned ON. The zip file contains the source code, the Windows executable, and a PDF with illustrative screen shots of the program in action. |
Source included - QB64 - 1.06 MB - 1945 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
3to4Crypt.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
A super powerful rendition of my old 324&423 program because it is now a stand-alone Windows (not DOS) executable that was compiled in QB64 and so does NOT have the limitations of Quick Basic - such as a string length of just 32,767 bytes! QB64 offers some awesome possibilities that I am just now exploring. The interface is self-explanatory, so if you need a review of what it can accomplish, review my 324&423.zip (search for Chuck Mire) or just try it out. However, this version does NOT have the limitations that are in the text file of my old program. Remember, if you do multiple Expansions (encryption) of data or a file, you must do the same multiple Contractions (decryption) in the REVERSE order to successfully decrypt the data or file. I recently discovered an additional ability of this program after I uploaded the zip file. To see this additional ability, link to another place that I post: http://www.qb64.net/forum/index.php?topic=11863.msg113120#msg113120 and read the explanation I wrote. |
Source included - QB64 - 380.53 KB - 3233 downloads
| Rating: 10/10 (10 votes)
A discovery using ASCII Typewriter Keys Reciprocal Table Auto Key Solver.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
This is a further important discovery when using my Windows executable program, ASCII Typewriter Keys Reciprocal Table Auto-Key Solver, which can be downloaded here: https://qb45.org/files.php?action=showfile&id=1931 Included in the zip file is a PDF detailing this discovery and an HTML in text format, 1E2D3D4E.txt, that is encrypted four [4] times with different keys where I decided to EITHER Encipher OR Decipher at EACH encryption step. This doubles the number of possibilities before a correct solution can be found by an unauthorized party. |
No source - QB64 - 31.86 KB - 1514 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
A Fast Logarithm Algorithm II.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
A Fast Logarithm Algorithm, Version II, is a Windows executable that increases the accuracy of the number base e and pi to 16 digits of precision. Also added is the number base phi accurate to 16 digits of precision. The screen interface is slightly improved by showing the values of e, pi, or phi on screen whenever chosen as a number base. |
Source included - QB64 - 369.68 KB - 1386 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
A Fast Logarithm Algorithm.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
While researching using the Internet on the different algorithms used for calculating logarithms, I found an article in PDF form that gave an extremely fast binary [number base 2] algorithm. It was intriguing because it only used the four basic functions of math - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I experimented and found out that with minimal modifications the algorithm could be modified to calculate logarithms in any number base. The results appear to be quite accurate to many decimal places. The attached zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code and a PDF with the link to the online PDF, the original algorithm, my modifications [in pseudo code] which allow for easy transcription into any computer coding language, and screen shots of my program. |
Source included - QB64 - 695.87 KB - 1377 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
A General Root Calculator III.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
With this version III, a lack of accuracy that occurred with certain calculations has been solved. Also, comma numerical separators have been added to give a cleaner look to the screen. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and a PDF with screen shots comparing the accuracy of version II of this program with version III. |
Source included - QB64 - 485.43 KB - 262 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
A General Root Calculator IV.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
Though the results and accuracy of the computations in Version III were correct, the problem was my formatting of numerical commas upon the numbers which the computations were based. Now, everything should be correct – computations as well as numerical commas! The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code and a PDF that illustrates the printouts of sample results trom Version III vs. this corrected Version IV. |
Source included - QB64 - 442.11 KB - 270 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
A General Root Calculator.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
This calculator can be used to calculate any positive or negative root of a positive number. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, a PDF with screen shots, and a text file showing various clipboard results. |
Source included - QB64 - 488.06 KB - 320 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
A Gregorian, Julian & Mayan Long Count Date Converter.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
This Windows executable will convert from any one of the three (3) date formats - Gregorian Date; or Julian Date; or Mayan Long Count Date - into the other two date formats. In each case a Gregorian Month Calendar is also displayed with the exact date highlighted. The zip file includes the Windows executable, the source code and a 7-page PDF with 14 screenshots that show everything this program can do. |
Source included - QB64 - 762.33 KB - 226 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
A Square Root Calculator II.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
With this update, I added the ability to copy the results to the Windows Clipboard. The zip file contains the Windows Executable, the Source Code, and a PDF with screen shots that show the new screens plus an example result copied to the Windows Notepad. |
Source included - QB64 - 436.63 KB - 324 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
A Timer.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
Set this timer for any combination of hours and/or minutes and/or seconds. The timer can be paused and resumed when running by hitting the <Spacebar>. The current timer can be restarted to allow different settings by hitting <Esc> when running. The screen shot examples in the included PDF show the program while running with different settings. |
Source included - QB64 - 699.83 KB - 1799 downloads
| Rating: 10/10 (1 votes)
A Unique Numerical Sequence II.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
This version uses the same algorithm as my original program. The changes are mostly cosmetic screen changes plus the ability to copy the entire complete number of iterations of any sequence to the clipboard instead of just the final iteration only. If you choose to show only the last iteration, you can still copy the complete number of iterations to the clipboard. The zip file contains the source code, the Windows executable, a PDF with a screenshot, and two text files that show Windows Clipboard results of two complete sequences where the first two odd numbers are swapped for each sequence: [123, 321] versus [321, 123], resulting in completely different sequences of unequal lengths. |
Source included - QB64 - 457.37 KB - 269 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
A Unique Numerical Sequence III.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
Corrected a formatting error when copying to the clipboard. Expanded the range of sequences by allowing the first integer entered to be EITHER odd or even which still conforms to the algorithm because the second integer entered remains odd resulting in the required subtraction to start any sequence. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and a screenshot.png showing the slight change to the interface. |
Source included - QB64 - 393.9 KB - 276 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
A Unique Numerical Sequence.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
A_Unique_Numerical_Sequence.exe is a Windows Executable that generates numbers as follows: Start by entering two ODD numbers. Then if the last number is ODD, subtract the last number from the previous number (or vice versa if negative result) to generate the next number. If the last number is EVEN, add the previous two numbers to the last number to generate the next number. The program generates interesting sequences. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code and a PDF with details and screen shots. |
Source included - QB64 - 904.02 KB - 297 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
Aggregate Summation Of Number Series.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
This Windows executable will aggregate the sum of a series of numbers, starting from anywhere and ending anywhere. The series of numbers can be incremented by 1, 2 or any other incrementation. IF the increment is 1 or 2, then there are three (3) separate formulas that can compute the total rather than summing the numbers by adding them one-by-one. If the increment is 1, the formula computes ALL the numbers in the series. If the increment is 2 and the start is an EVEN number, the formula computes all the EVEN numbers in the series. If the increment is 2 and the start is an ODD number, the formula computes all the ODD numbers in the series. These formulas give an instant result and are quite useful for very large series. One of the choices in the Windows executable is to display the step-by-step "walk through" of all of the formulas. This allows a user with the skill to do the computation on a simple calculator which can then be checked with the Windows executable. The attached zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and a PDF with several screen shots that show the program in action. |
Source included - QB64 - 742.17 KB - 1379 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
All My QB64 Windows Programs.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
The Attached Zip file contains "My QB64 Windows Programs.html", which is a legacy list of all my 100+ Executable QB64 Programs. I created it by going through all of the 9 pages of files located in the home page, "https://qb45.org/, QB64 Tab" on the left side, and duplicating each entry with its explanation - but only showing my programs. Each program's zip file is shown which contains the Windows executable, the source code, and [usually] an explanatory PDF with screenshots. If you click on the zip file [OF ANY PROGRAM], that program's Zip file will be instantly downloaded to your computer just as if you did it by going to "https://qb45.org/, QB64 Tab". |
No source - QB64 - 40.95 KB - 639 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
All Typing Keys Vigenere Table Auto-Key(s) Solver.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
[All Typing Keys Vigenere Table Auto-Key Solver(s).exe] replaces [All Typing Keys Vigenere Table Auto-Key Solver.exe], which was one of three programs that was part of [All Typing Keys Vigenere Table Solvers Suite], available here https://qb45.org/files.php?action=showfile&id=1992. This new replacement allows one-step multiple layering of encryption which the older version did not support. The included PDF illustrates, with screen-shots, the multiple layering encryption procedure with the older version which required having to repeat copying to the Clipboard, Run Again, then pasting back into the program, then Run Again, etc., multiple times. Then screen-shots illustrate this new version in which the same layering of encryption is done extremely fast in just ONE-STEP. |
Source included - QB64 - 954.58 KB - 658 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
All Typing Keys Vigenere Table Solvers Suite.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
All_Typing_Keys_Vigenere_Table_Solvers_Suite represents the following previously uploaded programs that have been updated as follows: [1] All_Typing_Keys_Vigenere_Table_Auto-Key_Solver.exe was coded to give extremely rapid results and a better visual interface. It replaced ASCII_Typewriter_Keys_Reciprocal_Table_Auto-Key_Solver.exe. [2] All_Typing_Keys_Vigenere_Table_Key-Word_Solver.exe was coded to handle files larger than 32,767 bytes and a better visual interface. It replaced Reciprocal_Table_Auto_Solver_III.exe. Included with no change is RND_Typing_Keys_To_Clipboard.exe because it is needed. The entire suite is designed to encrypt/decrypt large formatted text and HTML files with all of the "typewriter" keys including tabs, carriage returns and line feeds with a highly modified Vigenere Square Table. The included PDF has multiple screenshots. |
Source included - QB64 - 1.44 MB - 702 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
Antilog Calculator.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
Anilog Calculator is a Windows executable that is used either in conjunction with my program, A Fast Logarithm Algorithm.exe, OR by itself for the calculations of powers and roots of numbers. There are two variables to input: [1] An Analog to be converted and [2] The Number (or Number Base) for the conversion. The formula for all computations is just: Number ^ Antilog. The program allows for either OR both variables to be input by the keyboard OR by pasting the required data into the program from the Windows Clipboard. Prompts guide the user appropriately. When the data is sent to the Windows Clipboard, the user then pastes it into Windows Notepad for extraction of just the appropriate data. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and a PDF with screen shots and examples. |
Source included - QB64 - 629.97 KB - 1290 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
Any File To Circle Degrees.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
360 Degrees in a Circle / 256 ASCII Characters = 1.40625 Degrees per ASC Value. FROM FILEBYTE TO CIRCLE DEGREES: Degrees! = ASC(Byte$) * 1.40625; Degree$ = MKS$(Degrees!) = 4-bytes. & FROM CIRCLE DEGREES TO FILEBYTE: Degrees! = CVS(Degree$); ASCII! = Degrees! / 1.40625; ASCII$ = CHR$(ASCII!). The zip file contails the Windows executable and the source code. |
Source included - QB64 - 370.06 KB - 1703 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
AREA FINDER.bas by Naman Saikia (Rate this file/View comments) |
Find the area of Square, Rectangle, Rhombus, Paralellogram. Know the formula too from the program. |
Source included - QB64 - 1.12 KB - 1050 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
ASCII Babel.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
A Windows executable screensaver that shows a random flickering of a cascading babel of colorful ASCII characters. The opening screen allows the selection of a "Hot-Key" to Enter/Exit the program and also shows the reserved keys: <+> to speed up; and <-> to slow down the flickering ASCII characters. If any other key is hit while within the program, then an overlay appears that shows the Year, the Time, and the Countdown timer to the end of the day at midnight - all displayed in decimal, binary and hexidecimal. I wrote and used this program when Windows 98SE and 56 baud dialup modems were "state of the art". I would launch it when I left my desk at work for coffee or lunch when I had sensitive data on the screen. Since the "Hot-Key" was case sensitive and could even be set in conjunction with the function keys and/or dual keys using <ctrl> or <alt>, it was effective in keeping prying eyes blind. |
Source included - QB64 - 472.22 KB - 2801 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
ASCII to Binary.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
A Windows executable whose purpose is to convert any ASCII file into a “Binary†file. This increases the stored file to eight times its size since each one byte of an ASCII file is eight bytes of the “Binary†file's “1â€s and “0â€s which can be considered as eight bits of an ASCII file. This is the maximum granularity for sensitive text; and this “Binary†file can first be scrambled, then converted back to an ASCII file that is, once again, back to its original 1/8th size. Next, this scrambled file can optionally be encrypted using one of the many encryption programs that are available. The zip file contains the source code, the Windows executable and a PDF with a couple of screen shots. |
Source included - QB64 - 574.21 KB - 1797 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
ASCII Typewriter Keys File Scrambler & Unscrambler.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
After an HTML or TXT file is enciphered using my QB64 programs, "ASCII Typewriter Keys Reciprocal Auto Key Solver.exe" or "ASCII Typewriter Keys Reciprocal Table Auto Key Solver II.exe", then this new program can be used to scramble the enciphered file with a random key made from up to a ±7 digit number, including decimals. An interesting feature of the algorithm is that if the file is Unscrambled at first, then it must be Scrambled to restore the file in the proper byte order. If the file is Scrambled at first, then it must be Unscrambled to restore the file in the proper byte order. The algorithm is very fast! The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, an enciphered text file for practice, and a PDF with screen shots and further detailed information. |
Source included - QB64 - 542.2 KB - 1161 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
ASCII Typewriter Keys Reciprocal Table Auto Key Solver II.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
This program is compatible and works exactly the same as my previous program, "ASCII Typewriter Keys Reciprocal Auto Key Solver.exe", with only one change: This version has the ability to choose whether or not to scramble the Reciprocal Table with a random key made from up to a ± 7 digit number, including decimals. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, and a PDF with screen shots and further details. |
Source included - QB64 - 622.27 KB - 1197 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
ASCII Typewriter Keys Reciprocal Table Auto Key Solver.zip by Chuck Mire (Rate this file/View comments) |
This Windows program is the culmination of my programs using a modified form of a Vigenère Polygraphic Square Table that was invented by Blaise de Vigenère and used extensively in the very early days of paper and pencil cryptology. This program uses a table consisting of every typewriter key on the keyboard, CHR$[32] through CHR$[126] plus CHR$[9] tab, CHR$[10] line feed, and CHR$[13] carriage return. This results in a table size of 98 x 98 that is not printable because of the control characters. Simple text can still be manually typed and formatted using tabs and carriage returns within this program. However, to obtain any kind of desired formatting, any HTML editor is first used because Hyper Text Markup Language is written with text base instructions: a source code that is interpreted by the browser to give sophisticated formatted output. The source code of the standalone HTML file is copied to the Windows Clipboard and pasted into this program. The front end interface of this latest program is almost identical with my previous Extended Reciprocal Table Auto Key Solver. Since a large amount of HTML source code can be worked on, I have included visual counters so that a user knows what is going on while the program is either scanning for valid text or Enciphering/Deciphering. The zip file contains the Windows executable, the source code, a PDF of this program with screen shots, a PDF of the Extended Reciprocal Table Auto Key Solver [for review of the auto key algorithm], a PDF of the Extended Reciprocal One Time Pad Table [illustrating the table design], and an enciphered HTML file saved in a text file. |
Source included - QB64 - 1.05 MB - 1238 downloads
| Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
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